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Did you know you can use the NE Michigan website like an app on your phone?



Have you ever wished you could have easy access to searching events, area attractions, ideas for things to do, and outdoor activities and trails for NE Michigan? Maybe you want to plan something fun for the weekend, explore a new trail system, find a new lake to jump in this summer, or look up places to rent boats, canoes, mountain bikes, or other outdoor recreation equipment. 


Well, now you can! The NE Michigan website has all things NE Michigan related in one easy location. Whether you want to find new places to explore, try a new restaurant, or add some fun activities to your calendar, you can find all of those things (and more!) on the NE Michigan website. In just 3 simple steps, you can add the website to your phone's home screen and have all things NE Michigan related at your fingertips. Here's how:


1. Pull up the website on your phone and locate the Upward Arrow Icon on the bottom of your screen.




2. Click "Add to Home Screen."




3. Click "Add." 



That's it! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3. After clicking the final "Add" button, the NE Michigan logo will show up as an icon on your phone's honme screen. You can move it wherever it is convenient for you to access it. Now, any time you want to ask about certain area attractions, find some new entertainment, look up new trails or outdoor recreation ideas, or find something fun to do on your weekend, all you have to do is click the logo on your phone's home screen and you can find everything you need in one convenient location. 

Happy Exploring! And don't forget to post photos of your experiences to the I Love NE Michigan Facebook Group